Donate to LFCM
With your generous donation, not only will you get to experience the wonderful music our season has to offer, but you’ll be able to make a positive impact on our musical community! Enter the amount of your donation. This will be added to the total of your ticket order. LFCM is a 501(c)(3) corporation. Your contribution may be deductible.
If you prefer to contribute by check, our mailing address is
Lincoln Friends of Chamber Music
PO Box 82882
Lincoln NE 68501
LFCM has an account with Ameritrade that allows us to accept donations of stock. For more information, email us at or send us a message using the contact form on our Contact page.

Make a donation and become an LFCM Friends+ member!
If you donate you become a member of Friends+ and will be listed in the LFCM seasonal programs (unless you request anonymity).LFCM Friends+ Members List
Platinum Members
($500 or more)
Anonymous +
Scott & Sue Bulfinch +
Mary & Doug Carper *
Karen & Robert Duncan !
Anne Sheedy Gardner +
William Haberfeld +
Kandra Hahn *
Jean E Henderson ! &
Judy Johnson & Gunter Hofmann ! +
Hyatt Place Lincoln/Downtown-Haymarket
Kathleen Johnson !
Robert Kuzelka ! & (donation in honor of Bob & Pat Grimit)
Yvonne Leung +
Robert & Phyllis Narveson + $
Nebraska Arts Council
Jane Rohman ! &
Gold Members
($250 - $499)
Thomas M Carr ! +
Dan & Mary Howell +
Janice Lipovsky ! +
Sharad & Becky Seth +
Nancy Whitman ! +
C Robert & Patricia Wikel ! + &
Silver Members
($100 - $249)
Teresa Bailey +
Mary Ann Barton ! + &
W Dale Betz !
Trudy & Donald Burge !
Foster Collins +
Laura Franz &
Penny Greer +
Bob & Pat Grimit +
Evelyn Haller !
Donna Woods & Jon Hinrichs *
Lillie & Max Larsen !
Betty Levitov ! +
Robert & Victoria Northrup *
Merrill D & Nancy M Peterson *
Peter & Jane Reinkordt + &
April Stevenson +
Mark Van Kekerix & Bob Tucker +
Anne Vidaver !
($50 - $99)
Dori Bush ! &
Ermal Collister *
Maribel Cruz +
Julia Doerr +
Carolyn Dow +
Bill & Donna Gustafson !
Dorothy Javorsky +
Catherine Johnson !
Elaine Kruse +
Jody & Mike Rapp *
Pamela Starr !
Alison G Stewart !
(Up To $49)
Anonymous +
Aleta Collier !
Anne Else !
John Else & Cathy Roller !
Carole Levin +
Bruce Mellberg +
Elaine Monnier !
Sophia Potter +
Michael Trutna & Stuart Richey +
* In Memory of Eli Chesen
! Bob's Challenge
+ Give to Lincoln Day
& Donation with Ticket Order
$ Special Charitable Donation