Season 60

Order Tickets

Order tickets for the upcoming Lincoln Friends of Chamber Music season. Don't miss out on multiple nights of music, friendship and conversation.

Tickets on sale soon - stay tuned!
Over the decades we have kept our ticket prices low through grants and private donations. In an effort to be transparent with our patrons, we are offering new ticket prices that reflect the true cost of LFCM programming. We continue to offer regular season tickets at last season's price, which we are now calling Tier C. Seating for all tiers is still general admission for every concert.


Season Ticket - Tier A

Available August 1 - September 5, 2024

Includes all 4 concerts
Our least subsidized option.

Tier A helps pay for artist fees, hall rental, hosting artists, and printing costs.

Order online or by mail:
PO Box 82882, Lincoln NE 68501

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Season Ticket - Tier B

Available August 1 - September 5, 2024

Includes all 4 concerts
Our moderately subsidized option.

Tier B covers our artist fees, which can range from $6,000 - $10,000 per artist.

Order online or by mail:
PO Box 82882, Lincoln NE 68501

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Season Ticket - Tier C

Available August 1 - September 5, 2024

Includes all 4 concerts
Our most subsidized option.

Tier C allows our subscribers to continue to enjoy concerts at the same economical rate as the 2022-2023 season.

Order online or by mail:
PO Box 82882, Lincoln NE 68501

Buy Tickets


Streaming Season Ticket

For those who want to watch from the comfort of home.

Includes all 4 concerts

This requires a valid email address. No physical ticket will be mailed to you.

Order online or by mail:
PO Box 82882, Lincoln NE

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Student Season Ticket

Avoid Lied Center box office fees and buy the entire season for half the single ticket cost.

Includes all 4 concerts

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Single Tickets

Purchase Regular and Student tickets for specific concerts through the Lied Center of Perfoming Arts.
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Season Tickets Order Form

Fill out the form below to order tickets for the upcoming Lincoln Friends of Chamber Music season. Orders for season tickets must be received on or before Thursday, September 22, either online or by mail. Tickets ordered after Septemeber 8th will need to be picked up at the door.

To order by mail, please write the check out to Lincoln Friends of Chamber Music and send it to:
PO Box 82882
Lincoln, NE 68501

Please enter the number of tickets in the Quantity box. The form will automatically calculate your total order. Once you securely enter your credit card information, click or tap on the Submit Your Order button. Your credit card charge will then be process while the order order information goes straight to us.

Looking to order tickets for individual nights?
Single-performance, in-person tickets will be available through the Lied Center Ticket Office beginning September 22.
Order by phone (402-472-4747) or online - enter "lfcm" under Event Finder.

Purchase Single Performance Tickets

Don't miss our Pre-Performance Lecture!

Join us before each in-person performance for a 30 minute lecture.

Meet the artists!

After each performance, we gather at the Copper Kettle for a reception and a chance to meet the artists.
  • Price: $125.00
  • $0.00
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.